S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov, established in 1992, provides accounting expertise and tax and financial consultancy. It is represented by Mr. Brescan Marian, Administrator
S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov is a member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR) certified by the Authorization A no. 000751/31.10.2000 which confirms its quality of member of the above mentioned organization, according to Romanian legislation (Government Ordinance no 65/1994 approved by the Law no 42/1995, amended by Government Ordinance no 89/1998, approved by the Law no 186/1999).
By now, the company carried out the following activities:
1. Specialized works;
a) Accounting audit and review of annual accounts to state-owned and private companies, autonomous, foundations, associations;
b) Financial-accounting management;
c) Accounting;
2. Specialized support;
3. Fiscal and financial assistance;
4. Advice on tax and fees;
5. Management consulting
The most important works of S.C. SERDRA S.R.L
1. Financial audit report and certification of the balance sheet of S.C. SALF S.A. Focşani;
2. Restructuring program S.C. AVERSA S.A. Bucharest;
3. Diagnostic analysis of S.C. AVERSA S.A. Bucharest;
4. Accounting audit of S.C. AVERSA S.A. Bucharest;
5. Diagnostic analysis, Division case study, Management consultancy of Tools Factory RASNOV S.A. Rasnov;
6. Financial and accounting expertise according to Government Ordinance no 25/2002 art.21, amended by the Law no 506/2002 of NICOLINA S.A. Iasi;
7. Financial and accounting expertise of SC Nitrofertilizer SA Fagaras;
8. Financial and accounting expertise of SC Nitroexplosives SA Fagaras;
9. Financial and accounting expertise of SC Nitrocontrol SA Fagaras;
10. Financial and accounting expertise of SC Nitrotrans SA Fagaras;
11. Financial and accounting expertise of SC Nitroservice SA Fagaras;
12. Financial audit report of S.C. BRIVIX S.R.L.;
13. Feasibility study on division of SCCA Covorul Harman;
14. Feasibility study on division of SC SALF SA Focsani;
15. Feasibility study on division of SC ICIM SA Brasov;
16. Financial audit 1994 – 1997 of SC TRACTORUL UTB;
17. Financial and accounting expertise works;
18. 42 financial audit work (SC Agroindustriala Codlea SA, SC SERE Brasov SA),
19. 9 censorship works in different companies in machine building, chemical industry.
TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. is a professional company of insolvency, member of the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners of Romania, registered in the Forms of the Organization Register II under no. 170/2006 and one of the first profile companies in the country with a large and extensive experience in corporate insolvency.
S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L. Braşov, established in 2002, provides audit services, tax and financial consulting and accounting expertise. It is represented by Mr. Brescan Marian, Administrator.
S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L., is a member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania certified by the Authorization no 794/17.12.2007.
S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L., is a member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania certified by the Authorization no 794/17.12.2007.
S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov, established in 1992, provides accounting expertise and tax and financial consultancy. It is represented by Mr. Brescan Marian, Administrator.
S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov is a member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania.
S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov is a member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania.