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TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. is a professional company of insolvency, member of the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners of Romania, registered in the Forms of the Organization Register II under no. 170/2006 and one of the first profile companies in the country with a large and extensive experience in corporate insolvency.

TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. was founded in late 2006 under the Government Ordinance provisions no 86/2006 on the organization of the insolvency practitioners activity, as a result of the reorganization of the specialized department of TOP EXPERT SRL Brasov as an independent professional company, company that has brought together the resulting material and exploited the logistics and previous experience.

TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. is a professional insolvency company that has reached its goal to provide specialized and extra-judicial services; the performance achieved is recognized throughout the country, TOP EXPERT SPRL being on the list of liquidators jointly agreed by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) and the Authority of State Assets Recovery (AVAS) in 12 of the 15 areas of the country’s fiscal surveillance:

    - Area I – (Alba, Sibiu and Hunedoara counties)
    - Area V – (Suceava and Botoşani counties)
    - Area VI – (Braşov and Covasna counties)
    - Area VII – (Bucharest and, Călăraşi, Ialomiţa, Giurgiu, Ilfov, Teleorman counties)
    - Area VIII – (Cluj, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Maramureş and Sălaj counties)
    - Area IX – (Constanţa and Tulcea counties)
    - Area X – (Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinţi and Olt counties)
    - Area XI – (Galaţi, Brăila and Vrancea counties)
    - Area XII – (Iaşi and Vaslui counties)
    - Area XIII – (Mureş and Harghita counties)
    - Area XIV – (Prahova, Buzău and Dâmboviţa counties)
    - Area XV – (Timiş, Arad and Caraş-Severin counties)

TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. currently has a portfolio of over 1250 companies whom provide consulting services in the field of corporate insolvency and its prevention, preventive composition and ad-hoc warrant, reorganization and judicial liquidation, administrative reorganization by resizing, merging and separation, voluntary liquidation, diagnose and economic forecast, logistical assistance for the prevention of insolvency or promotion of viable reorganization plans through insolvency proceedings, special management services and liquidation of assets in the companies under AVAS property.

Our professionalism in insolvency, the high level of debts recovery and the successful promotion of several reorganization plans under insolvency procedure recommend us to courts, creditors and debtors as the ideal option for effective collaboration, TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. being a competitor with extensive experience and impressive portfolio of services and clients.


TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. este o societate profesională de insolventa , membru al Uniunii Nationale a Practicienilor in Insolventa din Romania (UNPIR) inscrisa in Registrul Formelor de Organizare II sub nr. 170/2006 fiind una dintre primele societăţi de profil din ţară, cu o largă şi îndelungată experienţă în domeniul insolvenţei comerciale.

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S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L. Braşov, este societate de audit, consultanţă fiscală şi financiară, expertiză contabilă, înfiinţată în anul 2002, fiind reprezentată prin dl.Brescan Marian, administrator.
S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L. este membră a Camerei Auditorilor Financiari din România care a eliberat Autorizaţia nr. 794/17.12.2007

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S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov, este societate de audit, consultanţă fiscală şi financiară, expertiză contabilă, înfiinţată în anul 1992, fiind reprezentată prin dl.Brescan Marian, administrator.
S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov este membru al Corpului Experţilor Contabili şi Contabililor Autorizaţi din România.

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